Vienna is an exciting experience - it will inspire you with its cultural heritage!
Not only the great diversity of museums, palaces, operas and theaters will fascinate you, but also the impressive architecture of the city is unmatched. No empty phrase, but a serious advice: In Vienna you should always look up. The city is a treasure, with historical details in every corner ready to be discovered. Famous residents such as Mozart, Beethoven or Freud have shaped the city and been inspired by it likewise.

Vienna has captivated me because the city is as diverse as the selection of savory traditional dishes. Austrian food is full of calories and incredibly delicious. It's not just the famous Wiener Schnitzel you should enjoy. The traditional coffee house can only be seen in Vienna. Drinking coffee is taken to a new level. However, there are one or two habits that are worth knowing when you visit the Austrian capital. The tips you have to follow and take into your travel planning, I will gladly tell you.
Tip 1:
Tourist Hotspot - the best way to get around the city
Wien gilt als eine der meistbesuchten Städte in Europa. Und das auch vollkommen zu recht. Die Touristenmengen sind allerdings gut zu händeln, da sich die Sehenswürdigkeiten in Wien wirklich gut verteilen. Die Stadt ist größer als du denkst, daher empfehle ich dir das gut angebundene Verkehrsnetz der Wienerlinien to use. You can get the best deal with the different Vienna City Cards. Here you can save money and still be mobile in the city. The 24/48/72-hour tickets range from €17.00 to €29.00. A one-way ticket is available for 2,40€. However, I recommend using the day tickets, because the walking distances in Vienna can be longer than expected. Especially if you want to explore the area outside the inner city (1st district). (Which I also strongly recommend!)

Tip 2:
savory and authentic food is nowhere as good as here
Austrian food takes a lot of time to be enjoyed. Hearty, calorie-rich and incredibly delicious. The Viennese are gourmets and Austrian food stays true to its traditions. I've eaten in many cities in Europe, but the dessert and cake culture in Vienna is exceptional. No wonder, since there have been coffee houses in the city for centuries, and they are even registered as UNESCO cultural heritage. Austrian cuisine is one thing above all: authentic. The portions are generous and the meat juicy - what more could you ask for?
- WIENER SCHNITZEL: aber bitte mit Preiselbeeren und Erdäpfelvogerlsalat!
- APFELSTRUDL WITH VANILLE SAUCE: der gefüllte Strudlteig ist der beste Weg um dein Herz an Österreich zu verlieren. Wichtig: Es sollte heiß serviert werden!
- SACHERTORTE: die chocolate cake made of Sacher cream with an apricot jam and chocolate frosting is recommended to be purchased from a dessert specialist. By the way, it is considered to be a traditional Viennese food.
- WIENER WÜRSTEL: die Wiener Würstel schmecken am besten mit Senf und Kren (Meerrettich-Sauce) und du bekommst sie an jedem Würstelstand in Wien.
- SCHINKENFLECKERL: ein überbackener Auflauf mit Fleckerl (österreichische Nudelart), Schinken und Käse.
TIP 3:
It is mandatory to visit a Viennese coffeehouse
The coffee house culture has a long tradition. Since the late 19th century, people could drink coffee, read newspapers, play cards or receive their own mail in these establishments. Many writers used coffeehouses to work on new novels, find inspiration or exchange ideas with like-minded people. Illustrious guests like Sigmund Freud, Leo Trotzki or Alfred Adler enjoyed the lively and open atmosphere. Even today, there are many of these coffee houses in Vienna and a visit belongs to the mandatory program of your city trip. Most of the coffee houses are still historically furnished. With comfortable armchairs, bistro tables, heavy chandeliers and of course the latest newspapers. If you feel like visiting a Viennese coffeehouse, but you don't want to expose yourself as a tourist, you shouldn't just order "coffee". I'll give you some suggestions what kind of coffee you can order.
- MELANGE This is an austrian coffee speciality, which consists of half coffee, half milk and a milk foam topping. Around 1830, the Melange was offered for the first time in Vienna - so it is part of the tradition.
- VERLÄNGERTER Consists of a strong, deep black espresso, which is stretched with hot water. In traditional coffee houses, the hot water is served separately. So you can choose the desired intensity of the coffee according to your taste.
- DER KLEINE / GROSSE BRAUNE Ein „kleiner Brauner“ besteht aus einem Espresso, der mit einem Schuss Milch oder Kaffeeobers die typische Farbe bekommt. Der Geschmack wird dadurch weicher. Beim „großen Braunen“ wird ebenfalls Espresso als Basis serviert, jedoch in der doppelten Menge. Milch oder Kaffeeobers serviert man im Kaffeehaus in einem separaten Kännchen, damit du dein Mischverhältnis selbst bestimmen kannst.

In jedem Fall ist der Besuch eines traditionellen Kaffeehauses ein Erlebnis. Du fühlst dich wie auf einer kleinen Zeitreise und die leckeren Desserts und Kuchen sind der Bonus. Good to know: In vielen Kaffeehäuser werden auch warme Speisen gereicht. Schau dir auf jeden Fall das Café Central . One of the oldest and most famous coffee houses full of charm and historical nostalgia!
TIP 4:
The best time to travel to the Austrian capital
Wien ist zu jeder Zeit eine tolle Reisedestination. Im Frühling erwacht die Stadt aus dem Winterschlaf. Die vielen Gärten und Parks fangen an zu blühen und die Temperaturen sind mild. Es sind weniger Touristen unterwegs und die Hotelpreise sind relativ günstig. Im Sommer (Juni-August) ist das Wetter traumhaft, das Leben der Stadt findet auf den Straßen statt und die Nächte sind lang und warm. Allerdings befindest du dich hier auch in der heißesten Touristenphase. Sehenswürdigkeiten sind voller als sonst und die Hotel-preise relativ hoch. Im September und Oktober erlebst du die Stadt in den wundervollen Herbstfarben. Die Temperaturen sind noch recht angenehm und die Touristenströme nehmen langsam wieder ab. Im Winter empfehle ich dir die Weihnachtszeit. Die traditionellen Weihnachtsmärkte und die beleuchtete Stadt erzeugen eine tolle Atmosphäre. PS: Von November bis Februar ist Ballsaison in der Stadt. PS: Da die Dichte an Sehenswürdigkeiten sehr hoch ist, empfehle ich dir einen Besuch von 3-5 Tagen.

TIP 5:
The charm of Vienna is ... tough, but sincere
The people of Vienna can be very charming, but also sarcastic. The tone can sometimes get a little rougher and grumpier. Don't take it personally at all. The Viennese are very direct people who sometimes express their displeasure, but they don't mean any harm. During my visits I was very pleased by the kindness and friendly manner of the Viennese. And who doesn't love this wonderful dialect?
The Viennese are a very special breed, especially when it comes to their language. And to avoid being noticed as a tourist, I'll give you a few words that will save you one or two disapproving looks.
- Tüte = Sackerl Never, never, never ask for a bag when you shop! It's called a Sackerl. Period.
- Passt schon = Das geht sich aus Fits all situations in life.
- Weinschorle = Weißer Spritzer If you're going to order a wine spritzer, do yourself a favor and use the phrase "Weißer Spritzer" 😉
- Zigarette = Tschick Should you be asked if you can bum a "Tschick", in that case bum means "to give".
- Bun = Semmerl
- Mehlspeise = süßes Backwerk ...and please eat a lot of it in Vienna! So delicious!
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